Aug 28, 2017
Message Title: Above the Angels
Text: Hebrews 1:5-14
Take Home Point: We are never called to
worship God's messengers. We are called to worship Jesus alone
because He alone is worthy.
Aug 27, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing Come Thou Almighty King, How Can I Keep from
Singing, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, and Who
Can Satisfy My Soul followed by Pam Setser and Michael Howell
singing Stand Still
Message Title: A Life of Obedience
Text: Matthew 7:24-27
Take Home Point: If our lives
Aug 21, 2017
Message Title: Ultimate Revelation
Text: Hebrews 1:1-4
Take Home Point: The gospel is not a new
message; it is the culmination and fulfillment of all God had
revealed to humankind.
Aug 20, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing We're Marching to Zion, The Family of God, In
Christ There Is No East or West, and In Christ
Alone (The Solid Rock) followed by Gabi Pervis and Lauren
Futrell singing Never Been a Moment
Message Title: A Life of Worship
Text: Philippians 1:27-28a
Take Home...
Aug 13, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing This is Amazing Grace, Jesus Saves, I Love to Tell
the Story, and Jesus Messiah followed by
Benjamin Carpenter singing Let Me Rediscover You
Message Title: When We Surrender Our Plans
Text: Acts 16:6-10
Take Home Point: One of the greatest
tests of our love for...