Apr 29, 2019
Included Music: Victory in Jesus, All
Hail King Jesus, He Is Exalted, and Majesty
Message Title: The Light Has Come
Text: John 1:1-13
Take Home Point: Jesus alone can truly
bring life and light to the world.
Apr 28, 2019
Included Music: At Calvary,
Everlasting God, Great is Thy
Faithfulness, and Who Can Satisfy My Soul?
followed by Matthew Jones singing When I Get Carried Away
Message Title: Freedom
Text: Galatians 5:13-14
Take Home Point: Jesus' sacrifice sets us
free to be the people God intended us to be so that we
Apr 21, 2019
Included Music: Living Hope,
Worthy Is the Lamb/In the Cross and Crown Him with Many
Crowns, the FBC Worship Choir singing Shout Hosanna,
My Savior's Love, and Long Live the King
along with the FBC Children's Choir singing RejoiceI
Rejoice! and Be Glad
Message Title: Transformation
Text: John 20:19-23
Take Home...
Apr 20, 2019
This podcast episode includes the full audio recording of First Baptist's Good Friday Worship Service, including Matthew Jones singing The Power of the Cross and The Blood of Jesus Speaks for Me plus video dialog and Pastor Jason's teaching.
Apr 15, 2019
Included Music: Fairest Lord Jesus,
There's Something About That Name, and He Is
Message Title: Yet to Come
Text: Zechariah 14:1-21
Take Home Point: God is always working
for His glory and our benefit even when He works in ways we do not