Feb 26, 2023
Included Music: The Way of the Cross
Leads Home, God of Wonders, We Have Come into His House, Footsteps
of Jesus, Oceans (Where Feet May Fail), Same God,
and Take My Life and Let It Be
Title: Suffering for God
Text: Matthew 5:10-12
Take Home Point: The more our lives look
like Jesus, the more we...
Feb 19, 2023
Included Music: You Are Holy, Come
Thou Almighty King, Sweet Hour of Prayer, There Is a Redeemer, The
Wonderful Cross, Mercy Said No (Matthew Jones),
and Love Lifted Me
Title: Relating to People
Text: Matthew 5:7-9
Take Home Point: The way we relate to
others reveals the condition of our relationship...
Feb 12, 2023
Included Music: King Jesus Is
Coming (FBC Worship Choir), God So Loved, Nothing But
the Blood, He Lives, In the Name of the Lord, Glorious Day (Living
He Loved Me), and I'd Rather Have
Message Title: Living for
Text: Matthew 5:1-6
Take Home Point: When you live for God,
your life will look increasingly less...
Feb 5, 2023
Included Music: Blessed Be Your Name,
My Tribute, Great and Mighty, Glorious Is Thy Name, Jesus Messiah,
Hymn of Heaven, and Living for
Message Title: Passion or Duty (by Cory
Text: Isaiah 29:13
Take Home Point: In our lives, we
sometimes turn what should be a strong intimate devotion to our