Jun 9, 2019
Included Music: Serve the Lord with
Gladness and Rescue followed by Alyssa
Ingram singing If We're Honest
Message Title: Discipline
Text: 1 Corinthians 9:25-27
Take Home Point: When our eyes are fixed
on our eternal reward, we can embrace the sacrifice and discipline
necessary to successfully finish the...
Jun 2, 2019
Included Music: Take My Life and Let
It Be, Here I Am to Worship, Pass Me
Not, and Jesus Messiah followed by Jim
Duncan singing O What a Savior
Message Title: Humility
Passage: Luke 7:36-47
Take Home Point: Jesus looks at the
hearts of those seeking God and welcomes them rather than focusing
on their reputation or...
May 19, 2019
Included Music: Praise to the Lord
Almighty, Mighty to Save, Our Great
Savior, and At the Cross (Love Ran
Red) follows by the FBC Children's Choir
singing Good Good Father
Message Title: Forgiveness
Text: Matthew 6:14-15
Take Home Point: We can hold on to our
pain by refusing to forgive, but God will not heal our...
May 12, 2019
Included Music: Love Lifted Me, My
Tribute, My Jesus I Love Thee, and Great Are You
Lord followed by the Worship Choir singing Written in
Message Title: Community
Text: Hebrews 10:23-25
Take Home Point: God designed us to live
in relationship with others, and He designed our faith to grow and
thrive through...
May 5, 2019
Included Music: Blessed Assurance,
Come Now is the Time to Worship, I'd Rather Have
Jesus, and The Blood of Jesus Speaks for Me
followed by Lauren Futrell and Alyssa Ingram singing This
Is Not Goodbye
Title: Surrender
Text: Matthew 6:25-34
Take Home Point: We can focus our lives
on seeking God's Kingdom and...