Apr 26, 2020
Included Music: What a Friend We Have
in Jesus, Forever, Great is the Lord, Love Lifted Me, This I
Believe (Creed), Never Once, and Whom Shall
I Fear (God of Angel Armies)
Message Title: Knowing Jesus
Text: Philippians 3:3-11
Note: This is the YouTube audio from our
online worship during the COVID-19...
Apr 19, 2020
Included Music: He Leadeth Me, Blessed
Be Your Name, My Life Is in You Lord, Revive Us Again, 10,000
Reasons (Bless the Lord), Jesus Only
Jesus, and Your Love Never Fails
Message Title: The Cost of Discipleship
Text: Luke 9:23-25
Note:This is the YouTube audio from our
online worship during the COVID-19...
Apr 12, 2020
Included Music: Because He Lives, This
Is Amazing Grace, Alive Forever Amen, Christ Rose, Great I Am, O
Praise the Name, and You Never Let Go
Message Title: Opened Eyes
Text: Luke 24:13-35
Note: This is the YouTube audio from our
online worship during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Apr 11, 2020
This podcast episode includes the full YouTube audio recording of First Baptist's Good Friday Worship Service during the COVID-19 pandemic, including Matthew Jones singing Behold Him and He Will Hold Me Fast plus videos and Pastor Jason's teaching.
Apr 5, 2020
Included Music: Bless His Holy Name, I
Will Sing of My Redeemer, Lion and the Lamb, At Calvary, Just As I
Am, Who You Say I Am, and Great Are You
Message Title: Be Prepared
Text: Luke 22:47-53
Note: This is the YouTube audio
from our online worship during the COVID-19...