Jan 27, 2020
Included Music: We'll Understand It
Better By and By, A New Name in Glory, and Since
Jesus Came Into My Life
Message Title: Outflow
Text: John 7:37-52
Take Home Point: If we come to Jesus and
receive the life He gives, that life will not only fill us but
overflow and impact those around us as well....
Jan 26, 2020
Included Music: You Never Let Go,
Cornerstone, One Thing Remains, and Here's My
Heart followed by the FBC Children's Choir
singing Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
Message Title: Daring Faith
Text: Daniel 3:1-30
Take Home Point: The Student Ministry's
Summit Weekend spills over into Sunday Morning Worship as
special guest...
Jan 19, 2020
Included Music: Crown Him with Many
Crowns, Come Now Is the Time to Worship, My
Tribute, and This I Believe (The Creed)
followed by Larry Cross singing Come Thou Fount of Every
Message Title: Public
Text: Romans 6:4-11
Take Home Point: When we are baptized as
a confession of faith, we die...
Jan 13, 2020
Included Music: Lilly of the Vally,
What a Friend We Have in Jesus, No One Understands Like
Jesus, and Jesus What a Friend for Sinners
Message Title: Beyond the Surface
Text: John 7:14-24
Take Home Point: We can only understand
God's truth by coming to Him with a heart surrendered to His plan -
even before we know...
Jan 12, 2020
Included Music: Serve the Lord with
Gladness, Christ Is Able to Save, Have Faith in
God, and Living Hope followed by Jim Duncan
singing Above All
Title: Everywhere We Go
Text: Acts 8:26-40
Take Home Point: Making disciples as we go
requires us to enter every conversation and every encounter
expecting a God...