Jul 29, 2019
Included Music: He Keeps Me Singing,
There Is Sunshine in My Soul, and Be Strong in
the Lord
Message Title: An Authentic Witness
Text: John 3:22-36
Take Home Point: Contentment with who you
are and how God has called you to serve Him reveals
your faith in God's purpose and plan....
Jul 28, 2019
Included Music: Joyful Joyful We Adore
Thee, Come Now Is the Time to Worship, My
Tribute, and This I Believe followed by
Matthew Jones singing Scars
Message Title: Worship
Text: Luke 10:38-42
Take Home Point: It is easy to become so
busy trying to do good things for Jesus that we forget He really
wants us much...
Jul 22, 2019
Included Music: We're Marching to
Zion, Family of God, and Heavenly
Message Title: Why Jesus Came
Text: John 3:16-21
Take Home
Point: Jesus did not come into the world for only
a select few. He came into the world to reveal God's love to
all humankind.
Jul 21, 2019
Included Music led by Jim Duncan: Down
at the Cross, Days of Elijah, Make Me a
Servant, and Jesus Messiah followed by
Larry Cross singing Lily of the Valley
Message Title: Service
Text: Mark 10:42-45
Take Home Point: Jesus perfectly modeled
love, and we are called to follow HIs example as we love our
neighbors as...
Jul 15, 2019
Included Music: Set My Soul
Afire, Take My Life and Let It Be, and I Am
Thine O Lord
Message Title: Born Again
Text: John 3:1-15
Take Home Point: No matter
what the world may believe, eternal life is only possible
because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.