Jun 10, 2018
Included Music: Nothing But the Blood,
I Worship You Almighty God, Rock of
Ages, and Our God Reigns followed by
Matthew Jones singing I Will Boast in Christ
Message Title: Perfectly Normal
Text: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
Take Home Point: God consistently chooses
to use the most unlikely people because He simply does...
Jun 3, 2018
Included Music: All Hail the Power of
Jesus' Name, In the Name of the Lord, Blessed Be the
Name, and Your Name
Message Title: Untrained Men
Text: Acts 4:13-22
Take Home Point: Training is a very
valuable tool, but spiritual power is found in your relationship
with Jesus and through the time you spend with...
May 27, 2018
Included Music: Led by special guest Ron
Taylor I'll Fly Away, Days of Elijah, Christ Is
Able, and Holy Holy Holy followed by an
instrumental version of My Jesus I Love Thee by
Adrienne Ingram, Judy Kent, and Janice Sutton
Message Title: An Unnamed Boy
Text: John 6:1-15
Home Point: Nothing is
impossible for...
May 20, 2018
Included Music: Blessed Assurance,
Praise the Name of Jesus, Glorious is Thy
Name, and Amazing Grace (My Chains Are
Gone) followed by Matthew Jones singing Shepherd Boy
Message Title: A Forgotten Son
Text: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Take Home Point: God looks beyond the
surface that we can see and looks directly at your...
May 13, 2018
Included Music: To God Be the
Glory, Hallelujah Praise the Lamb, Blessed
Redeemer, and 10,000 Reasons (Bless the
Lord) followed by Jim Duncan singing How Deep
the Father's Love for Us
Message Title: An Unwilling Deliverer
Text: Exodus 4:10-17
Take Home Point: You cannot focus on your
limitations and God's power at...