Feb 26, 2018
Message Title: Falling Away
Text: Hebrews 6:4-12
Take Home Point: The genuineness of our
conversion is evidenced by a lifetime of diligent perseverance
in our faith in and submission to
Feb 25, 2018
Included Music: In His Time, Because
He Lives, and I Will Rise followed by
Matthew Jones playing an instrumental version
of Jesus Loves Me
Title: Surprising Faith
Text: Matthew 8:5-13
Take Home Point: Traditions and social
expectations should never prevent us from demonstrating the love of
Jesus to the...
Feb 18, 2018
Included Music: That's Why We Praise
Him, Rock of Ages, and Wonderful Merciful
Savior followed by Matthew Jones singing I Will Rise
Message Title: Widen Our
Text: Luke 8:26-39
Take Home Point: In light of what Jesus
has done for us, our devotion to Him ought to overwhelm our fear of
where following Him might...
Feb 11, 2018
Included Music: Worship the King,
Because of Your Love, Great Is Thy
Faithfulness, and In Christ Alone
Message Title: Better Together
Text: Romans 12:3-8
Take Home Point: The church is not as
complete and effective as God intended unless each believer is
using his or her gifts to minister to one another....
Feb 4, 2018
Included Music: All the Way My Savior
Leads Me, Forever, Wonderful Words of
Life, and Amazing Grace (My Chains Are
Gone) followed by an instrumental piece by Adrienne
Ingram, Betty Sapp, and Janice Sutton
Message Title: Following Jesus
Text: Mark 10:17-22
Take Home Point: We cannot
truly follow Jesus when there...