Nov 24, 2019
Included Music: More About Jesus,
Enough, Blessed Redeemer, and At the Cross
followed by Matthew, Chelsea, and Elijah Jones
singing Glorious Day
Title: Community Life
Text: Philippians 2:1-4
Take Home Point: Life is simply better in
community when believers adopt a "We Not Me"...
Nov 17, 2019
Included Music: Victory in Jesus, How
Can I Keep/Praise Him, Now Thank We All Our God,
and Once Again followed by the Children's Choir
singing He Freed Me
Title: Encouragement of Community
Text: Colossians 3:15-17
Take Home Point: We were called to a
faith of peace focused on the gospel in which
Nov 10, 2019
Included Music: Nothing But the Blood,
Because of Your Love, I Will Sing of My
Redeemer, and Lion and the Lamb followed by
the Worship Choir singing Unexpected Places
Message Title: Characteristics
of Community
Text: Colossians 3:12-14
Take Home Point: No matter who you were,
in Christ, you have been given a new...
Nov 3, 2019
Included Music: Great Is Thy
Faithfulness followed by a special Southern Gospel
presentation by the musical group Measure of Grace
Message Title: Others First
Text: Romans 14:13-18
Take Home Point: Freedom gives us the
responsibility to serve others where they are, even if it means
setting aside our rights to do...
Oct 27, 2019
Included Music: Wonderful Grace of
Jesus, Blessed Be Your Name, All Glory Laud and
Honor, and Glorious Day followed by the
Worship Choir singing Lion and the Lamb
Message Title: Purposeful Unity
Text: John 17:20-23
Take Home Point: Unity reveals the power
of the gospel and empowers us to take the love of