Feb 9, 2020
Included Music: Turn Your Eyes Upon
Jesus, Learning to Lean, Hosanna (Praise Is Rising), Close to Thee,
Sweet Sweet Spirit, and I Give You My Heart
Message Title: Not Alone
Text: Joshua 1:1-5
Take Home Point: God has promised us
success in our mission, but He will not complete our mission for
us. Our feet must...
Feb 2, 2020
Included Music: Cry of My Heart, Trust
and Obey, My Jesus I Love Thee, and At the Cross
followed by the Worship Choir singing I Stand Before
Almighty God Alone
Message Title: Loving Obedience
Text: John 14:21
Take Home Point: When we obediently
submit ourselves to all of Jesus' commands, we demonstrate our
Jan 19, 2020
Included Music: Crown Him with Many
Crowns, Come Now Is the Time to Worship, My
Tribute, and This I Believe (The Creed)
followed by Larry Cross singing Come Thou Fount of Every
Message Title: Public
Text: Romans 6:4-11
Take Home Point: When we are baptized as
a confession of faith, we die...
Jan 12, 2020
Included Music: Serve the Lord with
Gladness, Christ Is Able to Save, Have Faith in
God, and Living Hope followed by Jim Duncan
singing Above All
Title: Everywhere We Go
Text: Acts 8:26-40
Take Home Point: Making disciples as we go
requires us to enter every conversation and every encounter
expecting a God...
Jan 5, 2020
Included Music: Jesus Saves, This Is
Amazing Grace, Nothing but the Blood, and
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone followed by Matthew
Jones singing Broken Vessels
Message Title: The Mission
Text: Matthew 28:18-20
Take Home Point: Our mission is to
lead people into relationship with God that includes