Aug 11, 2019
Included Music: Power in the Blood,
Blessed Be Your Name, Because He
Lives, and Worthy Is the Lamb followed
by Wes and Judy Kent singing There Is a Fountain
Message Title: Celebration
Text: Nehemiah 8:8-12
Take Home Point: When we celebrate the
grace given to us, our eyes move away from us and onto Jesus - our
Aug 4, 2019
Included Music: Higher Ground, God of
Wonders, I Need Thee Every Hour, and The
Potter's Hand followed by Jerry and Ida Hale
singing It's Me Again Lord
Title: Confession
Text: James 5:16
Take Home Point: We will never know the
freedom and relationship God has prepared for us unless we embrace
the painful...
Jul 28, 2019
Included Music: Joyful Joyful We Adore
Thee, Come Now Is the Time to Worship, My
Tribute, and This I Believe followed by
Matthew Jones singing Scars
Message Title: Worship
Text: Luke 10:38-42
Take Home Point: It is easy to become so
busy trying to do good things for Jesus that we forget He really
wants us much...
Jul 21, 2019
Included Music led by Jim Duncan: Down
at the Cross, Days of Elijah, Make Me a
Servant, and Jesus Messiah followed by
Larry Cross singing Lily of the Valley
Message Title: Service
Text: Mark 10:42-45
Take Home Point: Jesus perfectly modeled
love, and we are called to follow HIs example as we love our
neighbors as...
Jul 14, 2019
Included Music: Jesus Saves, This Is
Amazing Grace, Nothing but the Blood, and Amazing
Grace (My Chains Are Gone) followed by a special song
from Tom Isbell
Message Title: Simplicity
Text: 1 Timothy 6:6-10
Take Home Point: We chase after what we
love. If we love and chase after money rather than God, we will