Oct 31, 2021
Included Music: Days of Elijah, Send a
Great Revival, Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty, One Day,
Cornerstone, Love Came Down, and At the Cross
Message Title: Agents of
Text: Matthew 5:14-16
Take Home Point: The world does not need
to see us. The world needs to see Jesus living in and...
Oct 24, 2021
Included Music: Love the Lord, Jesus
Saves, I Stand Amazed in the Presence, I Stand in Awe, I Give You
My Heart, Jesus Is the Lord, and Always
Message Title: The Question
Text: Mark 10:35-45
Take Home Point: Greatness in God's
Kingdom is determined by loving service not power...
Oct 17, 2021
Included Music led by the First Baptist Youth
Praise Team: Raise
a Hallelujah, Graves into Gardens, Living
Hope, and Goodness of God
Message Title: Confidence
Text: Hebrews 6:10
Take Home Point: We can tangibly
express our love for God by loving and serving...
Oct 10, 2021
Included Music: I Stand
Amazed (First Baptist Worship Choir), Sing to
the King, The Way of the Cross Leads Home, Crown Him with Many
Crowns, Jesus Name Above All Names, In Christ Alone,
and Purify My Heart
Title: Revealing Moments
Text: Matthew 25:31-46
Take Home Point: The way we love and
serve others...
Oct 3, 2021
Included Music: Because of Your Love,
Victory in Jesus, Shine Jesus Shine, Love Divine All Love
Excelling, Your Name, Whom Shall I
Fear, and Here's My Heart
Message Title: True Freedom
Text: Galatians 5:13
Take Home Point: Freedom in Jesus
includes the obligation to use that freedom to serve