Apr 16, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing Alleluia Alleluia, Christ Arose, Christ the Lord
Is Risen Today, In Christ Alone/The Solid
Rock, and Because He Lives followed by our
adult choir singing Alive Forever Amen
Message Title: Resurrection
Text: Luke 24:1-12
Take Home Point: No situation
Apr 15, 2017
This episode contains the full audio recording of the First Baptist Good Friday Worship Service - including music, videos, and Pastor Jason's teaching.
Apr 14, 2017
This episode contains the audio recording of First Baptist's Maundy Thursday Worship Service including a presentation of Christ in the Passover led by Melissa Weinisch from Jews for Jesus.
Apr 9, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing Shout to the Lord and I Stand
Amazed followed by Walking My Lord Up Calvary's
Hill by Jerry and Ida Hale
Message Title: Selfless Prayer
Text: Luke 22:39-46
Take Home Point: God may not remove us
from overwhelming trials but He will strengthen us
through prayer....
Apr 2, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing You're Worthy of My Praise, My Life Is In You
Lord, and Oh How I Love Jesus followed by an
instrumental arrangement of Glorify Your Name by
Betty Sapp, Janice Sutton, and Gresham McMillon
Message Title: Primary Calling
Text: Mark 12:28-34
Take Home Point: When our...