Dec 30, 2018
Included Music: Tell Me the Story of
Jesus, No Other Name, All Glory Laud and
Honor, and Just As I Am followed by
the Worship Choir singing Behold a Savior
Message Title: Finally
Text: Luke 2:25-32
Take Home Point: When our lives are focused on
God in worship and obedience, we are prepared to encounter Him in
Dec 23, 2018
Included Music: Good Christian Men
Rejoice, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, There's a Song in the Air,
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne, Joy to the
World, and The First Noel followed by Pam
Setser singing Mary Did You Know
Message Title: It Was Over
Text: Luke 2:8-15
Take Home Point: Shame, fear, and
judgment were...
Dec 16, 2018
Included Music: O Little Town of
Bethlehem, All Is Well, Infant Holy Infant
Lowly, and Hallelujah What a Savior
followed by the First Baptist Children's Choir singing For
the Glory of the King
Message Title: The Time Had Come
Text: Luke 1:26-38
Take Home Point: Those things which seem
impossible to us are the very...
Dec 2, 2018
Included Music: Come Thou Long
Expected Jesus, O Come All Ye Faithful/Sing to the King, Away in a
Manger, and Christmas Offering followed
by Adrienne Ingram, Chelsea Jones, and Matthew Jones
singing Make Room
Message Title: Passing Glimpse
Text: Exodus 33:18-23
Take Home Point: As followers of Jesus,
the greatest...
Nov 25, 2018
Included Music: Victory in Jesus,
Because of Your Love, My Jesus I Love
Thee, and I Will Sing of My Redeemer
followed by an instrumental version of He Leadeth Me
by Chelsea Jones, Janice Sutton, and Betty Carolyn Vickers
Message Title: When We Lost It All
Text: Genesis 3:8-10
Take Home Point: Our