Sep 16, 2018
Included Music: My Faith Has Found a
Resting Place, Worthy of My Praise, It Is Well with My
Soul, and This I Believe plus Pam Setser
and Friends singing Over in the Glory
Land and Mama's Teaching Angels How to Sing
Message Title: Working Faith
Text: James 2:14-17
Take Home Point: Genuine faith does
not hide behind...
Sep 9, 2018
Included Music led by special
guest Ron Taylor: Victory in Jesus, Shout to the
Lord, and 10,000 Reasons followed by Gabi Pervis
and Anna Caldwell singing Thy Will
Title: Sharing Hope
Text: John 3:16-18
Take Home Point: There is no way other
than Jesus to be forgiven, and there is no greater way to impact
Sep 2, 2018
Included Music: Higher Ground, Love
the Lord, Have Thine Own Way Lord, and The Heart of
Worship followed by the Worship Choir singing Trust
in You
Message Title: Demonstrating Love
Text: Luke 10:25-37
Take Home Point: We will never make an
eternal impact unless we show each person we encounter the
Aug 26, 2018
Included Music: Leaning on the
Everlasting Arms, Mighty to Save, My Faith Looks Up to Thee,
and Amazed followed by Matthew Jones
singing I Can Only Imagine
Message Title: Transforming Worship
Text: Acts 16:25-34
Take Home Point: God orchestrates the
events of your life in order to place you in a unique
Aug 19, 2018
Included Music: Worship the King,
Forever, Great is Thy Faithfulness and 10,000 Reasons
(Bless the Lord) followed by Larry Cross
singing Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Message Title: Bearing Fruit
Text: John 15:1-5
Take Home Point: We are called to make an
eternal impact in the lives of the people we encounter,