Sep 13, 2020
Included Music: I Stand Amazed in the
Presence, Mighty to Save, There Is Power in the Blood, Wonderful
Merciful Savior, Glorious Day, Lost in
Wonder, and Nothing but the Blood
Message Title: Testimony
Text: Psalm 34:1-7
Take Home Point: We do not need to fear
anything in the world, if we fear the God who created...
Sep 6, 2020
Included Music: Revive Us Again, Sing
to the King, Ancient of Days, Blessed Assurance, Is He Worthy, At
Your Name, and Living Hope
Message Title: Reorient
Text: Philippians 4:4-7
Take Home Point: You will
never experience the peace of God while you hold on to your
Aug 30, 2020
Included Music: Victory in Jesus, This
Is Amazing Grace, Beautiful One, Think About His Love, Oceans,
I Just Can't Stop My Hallelujahs, and Grace
Title: Unfinished Faith
Text: Matthew 8:23-27
Take Home Point: It is okay to start with
"little faith" as long as you allow God to grow...
Aug 23, 2020
Included Music: Rescue the Perishing,
What a Savior, You Are My All in All, He Lifted Me, Great Are You
Lord, Lord I Need You, and Lord Have Mercy
Message Title: Beloved
Text: Isaiah 43:1-4
Take Home Point: As a follower of Jesus,
nothing in the past or in the future can change the fact
that God created you and...
Aug 16, 2020
Included Music: The Lily of the
Valley, God So Loved, Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty, My Tribute,
Cornerstone, Your Great Name, and Long Live the
Message Title: Blessed Opportunity
Text: 1 Peter 3:13-17
Take Home Point: You cannot explain the
hope you have in Jesus if your way of life contradicts...