Aug 21, 2022
Included Music: Victory in Jesus, God
So Loved, Rejoice the Lord Is King, Spirit Song, At the Cross
(Love Ran Red), Instrumental Arrangement (Gwen
Vance), and It Is Well with My
Message Title: Living Water
Text: John 4:1-26
Take Home Point: Only Jesus can overcome
the emptiness and aloneness that we try so hard...
Aug 14, 2022
Included Music: When We All Get to
Heaven, Alive Forever Amen, When the Morning Comes, There's Just
Something About that Name, How Deep the Father's Love for Us, In
Christ Alone, and I Need Thee Every Hour
Message Title: The Idol of Our Own Wisdom
Text: 2 Kings 5:1-14
Take Home Point: Our arrogance and pride
Jul 31, 2022
Included Music with special guest Ron
Taylor: Yours
Amen and I'll Fly Away (Ozark Mountain
Music), Wonderful Grace of Jesus, Amazing Grace (My Chains
Are Gone), We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise, Christ Is Able to
Save, and There Is a Fountain
Message Title: The Idol of Busyness
Text: Luke 10:38-42
Take Home...
Jul 24, 2022
Included Music: Since Jesus Came into
My Heart, Because of Your Love, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Cares
Chorus, Who Can Satisfy My Soul, Goodness of
God, and Be Thou My Vision
Message Title: The Idol of
Text: Numbers 13:26-33
Take Home Point: What you focus on gets
bigger. Either your faith in God will crowd...
Jul 17, 2022
Included Music: All Hail the Power of
Jesus' Name, Indescribable, He Hideth My Soul, He Is Here, Awesome
in this Place, His Mercy Is More, and My Jesus I Love
Message Title: The Idol of Family
Text: Genesis 22:1-18
Take Home Point: God's greatest blessings
can become our most deceptive and beloved idols....