Oct 8, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing You're Worthy of My Praise, I Am Thine O Lord,
Give Me Jesus, and Knowing You followed by
the Worship Choir singing Everything
Message Title: A Life of Service
Text: 1 Peter 4:10-11
Take Home Point: God has made you unlike
anyone else so that you can impact the...
Sep 24, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing Love the Lord, All That Thrills My
Soul, Oh How I Love Jesus, I Give You My Heart/Change My Heart
Message Title: A Life of Generosity
Text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Take Home Point: You reflect God's lavish
love when you generously bless others out of the blessings
Sep 17, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing Sweet Hour of Prayer, I Will Call Upon the Lord,
Be Thou My Vision, and Lead Me to the Cross
followed by the Worship Choir singing Somebody Prayed for
Message Title: A Life of Prayer
Text: Ephesians 6:18-20
Take Home Point: We are engaged in a
Sep 10, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing), Grace Greater
Than Our Sin, Take Time To Be Holy, and Give Us
Clean Hands followed by the Worship Choir singing The
Broken Body of Christ with soloist Trisha McCain
Message Title: A Life of Unity
Text: John 17:20-23
Take Home...
Sep 3, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing Rescue the Perishing, Shine Jesus Shine, Jesus
Saves, and Open the Eyes of My Heart
followed by the First Baptist Worship Choir singing We
Believe with soloists Ashlyn Duncan and Leah Wilson
Message Title: A Life of Evangelism
Text: Romans 10:14-15
Take Home...