Jun 25, 2023
Included Music: Twists & Turns, Our
God Is Holy, We Have Heard the Joyful Sound, 10,000 Reasons (Bless
the Lord), Jesus You're All I Need, Holy! Holy!
Holy!, and Everyone
Message Title: Game Changer
Text: Psalm 25:4
Take Home Point: God wants us to know him
and follow his...
Jun 18, 2023
Included Music: Forever, The Blood
Will Never Lose Its Power, The Solid Rock, Make Me a Servant, I
Give You My Heart, As It Is in Heaven (Matthew Jones),
and Love Lifted Me
Title: Undivided Commitment
Text: Matthew 6:19-24
Take Home Point: Your heart inevitably
will be drawn toward what you value...
Jun 11, 2023
Included Music: At the Cross, God So
Loved, Praise Him All Ye Little Children, There Is a Redeemer,
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail), Lead Me to the
Cross, and We Are Called to Be God's
Message Title: Genuine
Text: Matthew 6:16-18
Take Home Point: Fasting is a spiritual
discipline that helps us focus our...
Jun 4, 2023
Included Music: He Lives, Cornerstone,
Nothing but the Blood, Let's Just Praise the Lord, This I Believe
(The Creed), What Faith Can Do (Matthew Jones),
and God Will Take Care of
Title: Evidence
Text: Matthew 6:14-15
Take Home Point: Your willingness to
forgive reveals more about your understanding of...