Oct 30, 2022
Included Music: God of Grace and God
of Glory, Great Is the Lord Almighty, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, In
His Time, Christ Is Able, All My Praise (Matthew
Jones), and The Nail-Scarred Hand
Message Title: Studying
Text: Joshua 1:6-9
Take Home Point: The humble and
relentless pursuit of obedience and holiness is
Oct 23, 2022
Included Music: Great
Things (FBC Worship Choir), Everlasting God,
Rescue the Perishing, Christ Arose, He Is Here, Who Can Satisfy My
Soul, and Have You Been to Calvary
Message Title: Serving
Text: Luke 22:24-27
Take Home Point: You are never more like
Jesus than when you are serving others....
Oct 16, 2022
Included Music: Every Move I Make,
Surely Goodness and Mercy, Shall We Gather at the River, We Shall
Behold Him, Living Hope, Way Maker, and I Need
Thee Every Hour
Title: Invitation
Text: John 1:43-51
Take Home Point: Sometimes changing the
world is as simple as telling someone about...
Oct 9, 2022
Included Music: This Is Amazing Grace,
The Solid Rock, Almighty, The Church's One Foundation, The Heart of
Worship, Oh the Wonder (FBC Worship Choir),
and Jesus Paid It All
Message Title: Love
Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Take Home Point: Doing lots of religious
things is simply a bunch of noise unless those things...
Oct 2, 2022
Included Music: Pass Me Not O Gentle
Message Title: Prayer
Text: Mark 9:14-29
Take Home Point: You will live a
powerless life if you live a prayer-less life.
Special Note: Due
to a recording failure, this episode begins about a minute into
Pastor Jason's message.