Feb 27, 2022
Included Music: Since Jesus Came into
My Heart, You Are Holy, Almighty, I Will Sing of My Redeemer,
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), New Doxology (FBC
Worship Choir), and I Need Thee Every
Message Title: Goodness
Text: Luke 10:25-37
Take Home Point: Our theology is not
biblical if our theology does not...
Feb 20, 2022
Included Music: Nothing but the Blood,
God So Loved, Sweet Hour of Prayer, There Is a Redeemer, Christ Is
Able, New Doxology, and God of Every Generation
Message Title: Kindness
Text: Matthew 5:43-48
Take Home Point: Demonstrating love and
kindness to our enemies reflects the character of God...
Feb 13, 2022
Included Music: Praise Him! Praise
Him!, Because of Your Love, Standing on the Promises, Majesty,
Glorious Day (Living He Loved), New Doxology (Matthew
Jones), and Blessed Assurance
Message Title: Patience
Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
Take Home Point: God's work in your life
provides hope to others that He can work in...
Feb 6, 2022
Included Music: Victory in Jesus,
Mighty to Save, At Calvary, Great Is the Lord, Living Hope, Thank
You Jesus for the Blood, and The Savior Is
Message Title: Peace
Text: 1 Peter 2:21-24
Take Home Point: The way we respond to
suffering will either reveal Jesus to the world or hide Him from