Jun 28, 2020
Included Music: Great Is Thy
Faithfulness, You Are Good, Forever, Revive Us Again, Great Are You
Lord, One Thing Remains, and O Praise the
Message Title: Inside Out
Text: Matthew 23:25-28
Take Home Point: When your heart has been
transformed by Jesus, your actions will be transformed...
Jun 21, 2020
Included Music: They'll Know We Are
Christians, God So Loved, Glory to the Lamb, Holy Holy Holy,
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), Goodness of
God, and Raise a Hallelujah
Message Title: Known by Our Fruit
Text: Luke 6:43-45
Take Home Point: The fruit of our lives
reveals the depth of our connection to...
Jun 14, 2020
Included Music: We're Marching to
Zion, You're Worthy of My Praise, That's Why We Praise Him, All
Creatures of Our God and King, At the Cross (Love Ran Red), The
Blood of Jesus Speaks for Me, and How Can I Keep
from Singing (Praise Him)
Message Title: Eternal Life
Text: Revelation 22:1-5
Take Home Point: The...
Jun 7, 2020
Included Music: Wonderful Grace of
Jesus, Blessed Be Your Name, I Will Sing the Wondrous Story, I Will
Call Upon the Lord, Living Hope, God So
Loved, and Is He Worthy?
Message Title: The Presence of
Text: Psalm 27:4-6
Take Home Point: We should be more
passionate about being in God's presence than...