Jun 30, 2019
Included Music: The Solid Rock, God on
the Mountain and How Great Thou Art (performed by
Lanny McVay and Family), Blessed Be the Lord God
Almighty, and Just As I Am followed by
Matthew Jones singing You Were There
Message Title: Bible Study
Text: Psalm 119:9-16
Take Home Point: Our lives will never be
Jun 23, 2019
Included Music: Worthy of Worship,
Greater Is He that Is in Me, Love Lifted
Me, and Shout to the Lord followed by Brad
Breeding singing People Get Ready
Message Title: Prayer
Text: Luke 11:1-4
Take Home Point: Encountering God in
prayer changes us, and that changes everything....
Jun 16, 2019
Included Music: Various songs from
LifeWay's In the Wild VBS, Blessed
Assurance, and How Great Is Our God/How Great
Thou Art
Message Title: So You May Believe
Text: John 20:31
Take Home Point: God has an amazing plan
for your life, but the key to that plan is found in a life-changing
encounter with...
Jun 9, 2019
Included Music: Serve the Lord with
Gladness and Rescue followed by Alyssa
Ingram singing If We're Honest
Message Title: Discipline
Text: 1 Corinthians 9:25-27
Take Home Point: When our eyes are fixed
on our eternal reward, we can embrace the sacrifice and discipline
necessary to successfully finish the...
Jun 3, 2019
Included Music: Onward Christian
Soldiers, Savior Like a Shepherd Lead
Us, and There's Something About That Name
Message Title: Behold the Lamb
Text: John 1:29-42
Take Home Point: Spending time with Jesus
will change us into who God desires for us to be and will lead us
to tell others about...