Apr 30, 2018
Message Title: Once for All
Text: Hebrews 9:23-28
Take Home Point: Our sin created a
barrier between us and God that we could never remove, but Jesus
sacrificed Himself so we could enter God's presence.
Apr 29, 2018
Included Music: Have Thine Own Way
Lord, Cry of My Heart, Wherever He Leads I'll
Go, and We Fall Down followed by the FBC
Worship Choir singing Alpha and Omega
Message Title: Our Commitment
Text: Matthew 16:24-28
Take Home
Point: Following Jesus will cost you everything
in this world, but failing to follow Him...
Apr 23, 2018
Message Title: Freed
Text: Hebrews 9:15-22
Take Home Point: The curse of death that
was promised to those who disobey the old
covenant was poured out upon Jesus through the cross.
Apr 22, 2018
Included Music: Tell Me the Story of
Jesus, No Other Name, I Love to Tell the
Story, and Jesus Messiah followed by the
First Baptist Children's Choir singing The Lord Is My
Shepherd with Scripture reading by Michah Ray
Message Title: Our Game Plan
Text: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Take Home Point: Our lives
Apr 16, 2018
Message Title: The Ultimate Sacrifice
Text: Hebrews 9:11-14
Take Home Point: Jesus offered Himself
and His blood as an obedient and perfect sacrifice on our behalf to
secure our eternal salvation.