Mar 31, 2018
This episode contains the full audio recording of First Baptist's Good Friday Worship Service - including Matthew Jones singing How Deep the Father's Love for Us and Lamb of God as well as video and Pastor Jason's teaching.
Mar 26, 2018
Message Title: A Better Hope
Text: Hebrews 8:1-13
Take Home Point: The depth of
our disobedience required more than written laws; we
needed God's personal touch and presence to transform our
Mar 25, 2018
Included Music: Hosanna, Hosanna
(Praise Is Rising), Fairest Lord Jesus, and In
Christ Alone followed by Benjamin Carpenter
singing There Is a River
Message Title: Absolute Submission
Text: Matthew 26:47-56
Take Home Point: God's ways are simply
not our ways so we will never be able to fulfill God's...
Mar 19, 2018
Message Title: A Better Covenant
Text: Hebrews 7:11-28
Take Home Point: The permanence and
perfection of Jesus as our High Priest provides us the cleansing
from sin we need and the grace to remain faithful to the end.
Mar 18, 2018
Included Music: How Firm a Foundation,
God Will Make a Way, Day by Day, and Oceans
(Where Feet May Fail) followed by First Baptist's Children's
Choir singing My Lighthouse with solos by Michah
Ray, Jonathan Ingram, and Elijah Jones
Message Title: Misplaced Esteem
Text: Matthew 20:20-28
Take Home Point: While the...