Jan 30, 2017
Title: Together
Text: Nehemiah 3:1-32
Take Home Point: Seemingly impossible
things are possible when God's people work together to fulfill
God's vision.
Jan 29, 2017
Special Music: First Baptist congregation
singing All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name and First
Baptist Adult Choir singing Lord, Reign in Me
Title: Protect Unity
Text: Romans 14:13-18
Take Home Point: Our personal rights
and opinions are never as important as a person for whom Jesus
Jan 23, 2017
Title: An Overwhelming Task
Text: Nehemiah 2:11-20
Take Home Point: When our hearts and
minds remain focused on God, we can overcome any overwhelming task.
Jan 22, 2017
Special Music: First Baptist congregation
singing The Wonderful Cross and Larry Cross
singing Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Title: Love Unconditionally
Text: John 13:34-35
Take Home Point: When we love one another
as Jesus has loved us, we become a living example to the world of
the healing and transforming power of...
Jan 16, 2017
Title: The Time Has Come
Text: Nehemiah 2:1-10
Take Home Point: When we are faithful in
prayer, God will shape our hearts and prepare us for situations He
knows we will encounter.