Feb 9, 2025
Included Music: The Jesus Way, Holy
Spirit Rain Down, Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound, Fill My Cup
Lord, Glorify Thy Name, You Never Let Go, and I
Love Thee
Title: Abide
Text: John 15:1-5
Take Home Point: Our fruitfulness is
directly related to the quality and depth of our
Jan 26, 2025
Included Music: Glorious Day, I Will
Sing the Wondrous Story, Many of Sorrows, No One Understands Like
Jesus, Cares Chorus, What He's Done, and How
Firm a Foundation
Title: A Life of Service
Text: 1 Peter 4:10-11
Take Home Point: God has gifted you to
make a unique contribution to his...
Jan 19, 2025
Included Music: Give Us Clean Hands,
Calvary Covers It All, When I Look into Your Holiness, There Is a
Fountain, Blessed Be Your Name, Same
God, and Turn Your Eyes Upon
Title: Accountable
Text: Hebrews 4:12-13
Take Home Point: God's word exposes what is in
your heart by confronting it with God's truth....
Jan 5, 2025
Included Music: Everlasting God, Have
Faith in God, Since Jesus Came into My Heart, Crown Him King of
Kings, Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me), Ancient
Words, and Have You Been to
Message Tile: Being Fruitful
Text: Luke 8:4-15
Take Home Point: Faithfulness and
endurance are revealed by...