Jul 26, 2020
Included Music: There Is a Fountain,
Blessed Be Your Name, God of Wonders, My Faith Has Found a Resting
Place, I Will Rise, Who You Say I Am, and Whom
Shall I Fear
Message Title: Living Faith
Text: James 2:14-17
Take Home Point: Our works are a silent
but powerful testimony to the genuineness or deadness
Jul 19, 2020
Included Music: I've Got Peace Like a
River, Mighty to Save, Jesus Messiah, I Worship You Almighty God,
Worthy Is the Lamb, Jesus Only
Jesus, and Waymaker
Message Title: Fulfilling Our
Text: Ephesians 2:10
Take Home Point: When we walk with Jesus,
we will see God-prepared opportunities to do good...
Jul 12, 2020
Included Music: I Must Tell Jesus,
Come Now Is the Time to Worship, Here I Am to Worship, Sweet Sweet
Spirit, 10,000 Reasons with Doxology, Never
Once, and You Never Let Go
Message Title: Radical Love
Text: Luke 6:27-36
Take Home Point: Christlike love is
expressed in proactively doing good for others - even
Jul 5, 2020
Included Music: You're a Grand Old
Flag, My Country 'Tis of Thee, America the Beautiful, God of Our
Fathers, Armed Forces Medley, Jesus Is All the World to
Me, The Potter's Hand, Great I
Am, and Here's My Heart
Message Title: Transforming Worship
Text: Isaiah 58:6-10
Take Home Point: Our greatest act fo
worship is...