Mar 27, 2017
Message Title: Revival
Text: Nehemiah 8:1-12
Take Home Point: There is nothing that
will ever change lives as completely as faithfully studying
Mar 26, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist congregation
singing Brethren, We Have Met to Worship, Here I Am
to Worship, and Lord, I Give You My Heart
followed by our Adult Choir singing Here in This Place
Message Title: Misplaced Priorities
Text: Mark 11:15-19
Take Home Point: We have forgotten
our purpose when worship is more...
Mar 20, 2017
Title: The Next Phase
Text: Nehemiah 7:1-73
Take Home Point: We stand on the
shoulders of those who have gone before us so that we may prepare
the way for those who will follow us.
Mar 19, 2017
Included Music: First Baptist Congregation
singing We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise, Praise to the
Lord, the Almighty, O Worship the
King, and Crown Him and concluding
with I Know a Man Who Can sung by Gary Gibbs and Lucy
Title: Extravagant Worship
Text: John 12:1-8
Take Home
Point: Genuine worship causes...
Mar 13, 2017
Title: Hard Fought Success
Text: Nehemiah 6:10-19
Take Home Point: Nothing great is ever
accomplished for God's Kingdom that does not require difficult
challenges and personal sacrifice.